7 Nov 2009

Jadwal Kuliah (3DB21) - UTS PTA 2009

HariTanggalMata KuliahWaktuRuang
Kamis 26/11/2009Analisis Sistem Informasi 5J1203
Kamis 26/11/2009Analisis Sistem Informasi 5J1204
Senin 30/11/2009Sistem Operasi ** 6J1106
Senin 30/11/2009Sistem Operasi ** 6J1107
Rabu 02/12/2009Sistem Basis Data 1 ** 6J1110
Rabu 02/12/2009Sistem Basis Data 1 ** 6J1111
Kamis 03/12/2009Sistem Informasi Akuntansi 6J1110
Kamis 03/12/2009Sistem Informasi Akuntansi 6J1111
Kamis 03/12/2009Sistem Informasi Akuntansi 6J1205
Kamis 03/12/2009Sistem Informasi Akuntansi 6J1207
Senin 07/12/2009Pengantar Pemrograman Multimedia ** 6J1110
Senin 07/12/2009Pengantar Pemrograman Multimedia ** 6J1111
Selasa08/12/2009Logika & Algoritma */** 6J1205
Selasa08/12/2009Logika & Algoritma */** 6J1207
Jum'at11/12/2009Sistem Keamanan Komputer 5J1208
Jum'at11/12/2009Sistem Keamanan Komputer 5J1209

2 Nov 2009

9034 FH 99th street, Manhattan Newyork City 29000
889-0088-01 www.cuco.com

November 15, 2009
Mr. Thomas Griswell
The State Senator of Newyork City
430 Smithson Drive, Suite 500
Newyork,  32956

Dear Mr. Thomas

The purpose of this letter is to formally invite you, to speak at monthly meeting, to be the Opening Speaker at the upcoming meeting.

The theme of this monthly meeting is "
Increased Sales of Local Products – Developing Micro Industries Sector ".It will be held at the The Plaza Hotel Ballroom, in Manhattan,  Newyork,  November 29, 2009.

We expect your presence could inspire many people, particularly the perpetrators of this trade in newyork. and with the meeting this time can improve trade relations and the perpetrators can be the healthy competition in commercial activity

In closing, we would be pleased and honored if you would consent to be our opening speaker at the Trade Association monthly meeting.
I will call you in a week or so to follow up on this.

Yours sincerely,

Maria Ulfah
Executive Director
Cuaca Cerah, Corp